Support your sales and marketing strategies with web solutions 


We will help you understand how to use all of the modern communication tools to reach as many as possible of users and potential customers 

Integrated communication

We network various means and systems of communication 

  • Content marketing
  • Search marketing (Google AdWords, key-word purchases)
  • Search engine optimization (on-site and off-site SEO)
  • Website editing and web copywriting
  • Mass emails (help with preparations and sending)
  • Marketing automation
  • Social media and profile management
  • Advertising on social media


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Contentis Queen, context is King

Success is achieved with good communication strategy and fast implementation. From the planning stage, we immerse ourselves into understanding your market and your customers and so, we can help you and support you in implementing good content, at the right time and the right place.


With strategic communication, content optimization and keyword selection we help your web solution to reach your customers thru the optimal placement on search engines and social media.


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Using value-added aproach 

  • Website that is not current and can’t be found by the users,  is not accomplishing its purpose
  • Beautifully designed website without relevant content will not attract potential customers
  • Web communication that does not entice the customer to action and does not motivate the user to inquire/contact/buy, is not selling.
  • Web presence that is not intertwined with all relevant web channels and is not interactive, has less possibility for success 


Web presence is a selling tool as well as a tool to digitalize the business process. It’s a key to the discovery of your company and its recognition, its ideas and its products. Enhance your image and increase your sales by targeted communication .


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We will disperse the communication thru different channels: website, SEO and search marketing, smart phone applications, social media, marketing automation, etc. This way, your information will appear to your customer at the right place and at the right time.